Saturday, April 26, 2008

From Idea to Story: Meat

One of the big problems that appears when you're writing a series: does the basic story concept fill an entire episode? Can you imagine enough events to fill the required space, and make it interesting to boot?

I'm having this issue mainly in Project G, although Project N has it to a degree as well. The thing with Project G is that I spend quite a few stories introducing secondary characters - this proves to be a problem. I'd say SOME of these introductions have enough meat to write an entire story around, but others definitely do not. So, while I need to get these characters introduced, I also need to have something to keep the reader intrigued aside from the initial dazzle of yet another shiny new character, especially when they appear as "HI! My personality will be here soon, too!" That isn't good, either. I need a strong hook to get people intrigued with their presence. Better work at that.

For Project N, it seems a lot easier. I've been able to bond story ideas together to create some sort of super story. It helps that I generated more malleable ideas for this than Project G.

Now, how about those personalities...

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