Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Oh, You

My collaborator and I were working on a story/issue outline for Project A, and it went pretty well. We know how we want the thing to move, and while some stories are still a tad vague and/or left open for ideas that may come later. We may need to get some clashing ideas between the two of us hammered out at another time.

One thing we improved from before is reason: the events happen in the order they do and at all because of some kind of logic, where before it would just...happen, without much reasoning. It also gives the story a vague 'chase' feel that infuses some much needed excitement and maybe even suspense into the whole affair. My colleague made some changes to some characters, too, and I was more or less in agreement to those changes. Some of them even provide some good visual possibilities! Goody.

Now, refining. As well as trying to get characterization into there somehow. I have some ideas for the protagonists, but the antagonists and side characters are a bit harder. I mean, I want to make them interesting, too, but it's hard to get real personality into the ones who are destined for the morgue in a short time. That's what getting better at writing is all about, I guess: figuring out how to make things that are seemingly difficult work nonetheless.

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