Friday, March 14, 2008

Report #2

Unlocked all characters and stages.

Subspace Emissary I find is decent mindless fun. It's very much a beat-em-up with elements of Mario and Kirby thrown in. It can get very frustrating at times. Enemies can get incredibly obnoxious, and some enemies are so loathsome you just want to find the guy who designed them and beat him senseless with a tennis racket. Stickers will come in handy, so stock up (especially put fire-boosting ones on Mario and Pokemon Trainer). The last level is very annoying if you don't figure out what to do. Remember, before exiting a room: GO TO EVERY BLUE DOT IN THAT ROOM. There's a map: use it constantly. It'll save you an hour, maybe.

Been able to get into With Anyone matches. Lag varies, but it's generally not bad at all. I prefer 3 or 4-player matches, and since those are guaranteed in With Anyone pretty much, I like it there. With Friends also seems to be working well. Overall, I say the online is good, if you're okay with not-XBL quality service.

Stage Builder is a good time, as expected. The little area around the structures can be a downer at times (I can't make good tunnels using the cavernous objects, for example). But with a good imagination, and once you've unlocked everything and studied what you can and can't do with them, sky's the limit.

The challenges makes things interesting. They are a reason I keep going back to the single player modes, despite getting all the good stuff. The few that I know I can unlock...it feels like every moment I don't have them unlocked, they mock me silently. Oh, I will eventually beat classic with every character. Just you wait.

I'm addicted to the Coin Launcher. I liked collecting trophies in Melee, but this makes it so much more enjoyable. Every time I get a large stash of coins, I will immediately go there and use them all. I have over 250 right now, so I'm still a ways away.

I use the Wiimote/Nunchuck setup. First bit had some unease with the shield button and throwing items. Some changes here and there, but now I can't live without it. Controls are no longer a issue.

Of course, the bottom line is that the game is fun. Fun. Fun. Fun.

Oh yeah, there was some shit at the Dojo, too. I'm sure unless you're European, you don't give a rat's ass. Don't know how much longer I can keep this up. Something must be done, and soon.

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