Friday, March 21, 2008

The future of Simply Smashing...

...is that it has no future. Since it has served it's purpose as a place for me to speculate about Brawl, I've decided to convert it to something else. However, I will be sure to reward all one of you who stuck around this long.

I will be keeping most of the posts from the past, and make an archival post to serve as the transition between the two blogs. However, there will be some casualties, in the form of the 'What We Know' posts. Since you could find the same information from a combination of Wikipedia, GameFAQs, and Brawl Central, I see no point in continuing to update and save them. Sorry, but it's the way it has to be.

The one-year anniversary of this blog is in two days. What a perfect time to pull the rug up from all of you!

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